Monday, March 22, 2004

Fun Round Up!

Andie asked MediaSquatters this question... and I thought it was an important one:

"So in that spirit, how about a 'fun round-up'? What's the most fun youse all
have ever had?"
So I thought about it for a bit and here are the first ten things that came to my mind:

Getting launched out of a wave while body-surfing and quite literally flying for a few, brief, but fantastic seconds...
Staring at the stars out in the desert and realizing that we are but a tiny speck in the universe...
Traveling with Melissa...
Loving--spiritually and physically...
Camping with my family when I was a kid/teen ...
Those heady philosophical conversations with good friends right about the second beer when you really start to feel the ideas flow and everything clicks ...
Getting lost in a good book...
Parties with Melissa, Tim and Liz...
Walking/hiking in a stimulating environment...
Interacting with animals...

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