Thursday, April 08, 2004

Jon Stewart: More Than a Funny Man

One of my biggest regrets about not having TV is missing out on the political humor of Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, although the Comedy Channel is kind enough to supply many of the show's bits online. After listening to Stewart on The O'Franken Factor I was struck by how intelligent and insightful he is in regards to the contextual conditions of current events. I believe that this could explain why the Daily Show is so brilliant and why its satire is often so enlightening--he and his colleagues recognize the importance of context.

Anyway, I can't reproduce that interview, but here is another one from PBS:

MOYERS: When future historians come to write the political story of our times, they will first have to review hundreds of hours of a cable television program called THE DAILY SHOW. You simply can't understand American politics in the new millennium without THE DAILY SHOW.

Entire Moyer Interview of Stewart

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