Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Spring Equinox

A friend sent this to me and it was morning time, I was drinking my first cup of the coffee, I heard that it will actually break 70 degrees today and I said... why not:

The challenge is to write whatever pops into your head, immediately without censoring it or editing (even if it doesn't apply to you, or seems absurd):

1. My 'ex' is still; without me

because she is controlling and paranoid

2. I am listening to; marvin and olive snore

soundly, while I restlessly pace about the house

3. Maybe i should; fold laundry

or, maybe not

4. I love; my dogs

just as much as I love my cat

5. best friends; are rare and beautiful

they should be cultivated wisely, much like lovers

6. I don't understand; anything

from time to time, then, suddenly, everything makes sense again

7. I lost my respect for; people who talk down to anyone

and disrespect people behind their back

8. The last thing i ate; pita bread and tofu salad

was unusual for me

9. The meaning of my display name; is how i feel

about the divinity of life, the ying and yang, the anima and the logos, the intertwining of the feminine and masculine in everyone

10. Love is; wonderful and painful and forever worth it.

It is an essential part of life and even though it can cause pain, the risk is worth the ultimate rewards of finding meaningful love

11. Somewhere; people are dancing and laughing

and i am happy for them

12. I will always; love to love

because it is fulfilling in the sense of developing a life of loving kindness is a thoughtful, considerate way of being in which you care about people, animals, plants and the world. you radiate consideration and love (not always successfully--we are human) in order to help make the world a better place, one being at a time...

13. Love seems to be; the meaning of life

and it is the basis of a radical politics that informs my life... but then perhaps there should be a question about "what is love" and I could then explain how my "radical" love is different from the Hallmark notion of love.

14. I never want to lose; my mother or doggies

shhhh.... you didn't say that

15. My mobile phone is; annoying

but, unfortunately, necessary, I went without any phone for a year and it really pissed people off, so I bear with the annoyance

16. When i woke up this morning; I moved slowly.

because my cat likes to dart in and out between my feet as I sleepily walk down the stairs to put some coffee on.

17. I get annoyed at; war and politics

well let me differentiate, I feel pain and anger at the unending profit-seeking, expansionist policies of warfare; I get a happy buzzy feeling at putting my efforts into developing a politics to address problems that I perceive and joining with others to fight them, afterall, politics in its etymological roots simply means relations between people (still haven't defined my politics of "radical love")

18. Parties; are over rated.

in the sense that most people limit the conception to a house or nightclub overflowing with people; some of my favorite parties have been a few people laughing, talking and buzzing away the night--those can never be over-estimated.

19. My pets; make me happy

because my best efforts at cultivating loving-kindness will fail from time-to-time and I become frustrated and when I sit down on my couch and become apathetic, Cleo comes over and once again instructs me in the "way of the buddha"--she is very wise!

20. Chocolate; is wonderful

when shared

21. Today I; enjoyed the day

when I wrote the answers to these questions (yeah I am a writer geek--but I also just woke up ;)

22. I wish; I was whitewater canoeing

or surfing on a beach in San Diego; or hiking in the Pacific Northwest; or visiting the old charming cities of Europe; or climbing up the ancient peaks of Macchu Piccu; or exploring the wild giant trees of British Columbia; or looking down in awe at the magnificient force of Victoria Falls; or finding out if I like the cultures of Thailand and India as much as I like their foods; or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or,

23. I really want; some mint chocolate chip icecream

while sitting in bed with someone I care about, laughing, talking, .... hmmm... gonna have to work off all those sweets ;)

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