Thursday, August 04, 2011

Philosophy: Peace and Conflict Studies Archive

All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace (United Kingdom: Adam Curtis, 2011)

Andrejevic, Mark. "Estrangement 2.0." World Picture #6 (Winter 2011)

Apostolidès, Jean-Marie. "On the Literary Career of Albert Camus and His Novel The Stranger>." Entitled Opinions (December 6, 2005)

Appiah, Kwame Anthony. "How To Make a Moral Revolution." Open Source (November 12, 2010)

Aravamudan, Srinivas. "Introduction: Perpetual War." PMLA (October 2009)

Aristotle. Nicomachaen Ethics. The Internet Classics Archive (Originally written 350 B.C.)

Assange, Julian and Slavoj Zizek. "Full Video of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange & Philosopher Slavoj Žižek With Amy Goodman." Democracy Now (July 2, 2011)

Ball, Norman. "The Power of Auteurs and the Last Man Standing: Adam Curtis' Documentary Nightmares." Bright Lights Film Journal #78 (November 2012)

Baskins, Jon. "The Perspective of Terrence Malick." The Point #2 (Winter 2010)

Benton, Michael Dean. "My Understanding of Anarchism." Dialogic (March 4, 2012)

---. "Notes on Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophernia." Dialogic (February 20, 2014)

Boggs, Grace Lee. "Becoming Detroit: Grace Lee Boggs on Reimagining Work, Food, and Community." On Being (July 18, 2013)

Borradori, Giovanna. "The Illusion of Negative Freedom." Dialogic (Excerpt from "Terrorism and the Legacy of the Enlightenment: Habermas and Derida." Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida. University of Chicago Press, 2003: 1-24.)

Botton, Alain de. "Wants a Religion for Atheists: Introducing Atheism 2.0." Open Culture (January 26, 2012)

Chomsky, Noam. "Everyday Anarchist." Modern Success (April 14, 2013)

Daston, Lorraine. "How To Think About Science #2: On Paradigms and Objectivity." Ideas (January 2, 2009)

Daub, Adrian. "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and his heirs." Entitled Opinions (October 19, 2011)

Dobson, Teresa M. and Tammy Iftody. "Consciousness and Complexity in Waking Life" Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education 6.1 (2009)

Earp, Brian. "Choosing one’s own (sexual) identity: Shifting the terms of the ‘gay rights’ debate." Practical Ethics (January 26, 2012)

Eisenstein, Charles. The Ascent of Humanity. (Panathea Productions, 2007)

Farrow, Robert. "The Wicker Man: Games of truth, anthropology, and the death of ‘man’." Metaphilm (June 20, 2005)

Feldman, Karen. "Walter Benjamin and his 'Artwork' essay." Entitled Opinions (July 3, 2013) [They are discussing Benjamin's 1936 essay: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"

Fernandez, Ingrid. "Visions of the Other: The Return of the Abject in Roman Polanski's The Tenant." Bright Lights Film Journal #78 (November 2012)

Foucault, Michel. "Panopticism." From Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison (NY: Vintage Books 1995): 195-228.

Gonzalez, Pedro Blas. "Citizen Kane: Biography and the Unfinished Sentence." Senses of Cinema #57 (2010)

Graeber, David. "On the phenomenon of bullshit jobs." libcom (August 20, 2013)

Hacking, Ian and Andrew Pickering. "How To Think About Science #4: On Science as Experimental Philosophy." Ideas (January 2, 2009)

Hecht, Jennifer Michael. "A History of Doubt." Being (May 3, 2007)

Hinton, Stephen. "The Love/Hate Relationship Between Friedrich Nietzsche and Richard Wagner." Entitled Opinions (November 30, 2011)

Hoxby, Blair. "Aristotle's Poetics." Entitled Opinions (March 8, 2011)

Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century (USA: Scott Noble, 2011: 119 mins)

Into Eternity Making Contact (March 18, 2014) ["Our world is generating more and more nuclear waste, but have no permanent place to dispose of it. But the nation of Finland has a plan. They’re building an underground cave, to hold thousands of tones of nuclear waste, for at least 100 thousand years. On this edition, we hear excerpts of the film, “Into Eternity”, which explores the logistical and philosophical quandaries around the construction of something that if it works, might very well outlast the entire human race."]

Jones, Kent. "To Live or Clarify the Moment: Rick Linklater’s Waking Life." Senses of Cinema (March 2002)

Krznaric, Roman. "The Power of Outrospection." RSA Animate (December 3, 2012)

Levine, Bruce E. "How Ayn Rand Seduced Generations of Young Men and Helped Make the U.S. Into a Selfish, Greedy Nation." AlterNet (December 15, 2011)

Ludlow, Peter. "Hacktivists as Gadflies." The Stone (April 13, 2013)

Macy, Joanna. "A Wild Love for the World." On Being (November 1, 2012)

McGowan, Todd. "The Love of Antagonism in Le Mepris." Acidemic #7 (2012)

McLemee, Scott. "Culture War to Shooting War." Inside Higher Education (August 10, 2011)

Mooney, James. "Epistemology: Dreams and Demons -- Abre los ojos (Open your eyes)." Film and Philosophy (September 9, 2011)

Morris, David. "Where is Kropotkin When We Really Need Him? If you want to know what anarchism is and why we should care, read Kropotkin." Common Dreams (February 10, 2012)

Ng, Edwin. "The (Zen) Buddhist Heart of I ♥ Huckabees." Journal of Religion and Film 14.1 (April 2010)

Nightingale, Andrea. "Epicurus and Epicureanism." Entitled Opinions (November 8, 2005)

Nuland, Sherwin. "The Biology of Spirit." On Being (March 6, 2014)["Dr. Sherwin Nuland died this week at the age of 83. He became well-known through his first book, How We Die, which won the National Book Award in 1994. But pondering death was for him a way of wondering at life. He reflected on the meaning of life by way of scrupulous and elegant detail about human physiology."]

Nussbaum, Martha. "21st Century Enlightenment." RSA (Dec 16, 2010)

Oliver, Paul. "Michel Foucault - The Development of Knowledge." Excerpt from Foucault: The Key Ideas. Blacklick, OH: McGraw Hill, 2010: 17-21.

Popova, Maria. "What Is Science? From Feynman to Sagan to Asimov to Curie, an Omnibus of Definitions." Brain Pickings (April 6, 2012)

Power, Nina. "The Spectre of the “Public”: The Ideology of Law and Order." Backdoor Broadcasting Company (The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities "Ideology Now – Conference": April 28, 2012)

The Power of Nightmares (United Kingdom: Adam Curtis, 2004)

Remen, Rachel Naomi. "Listening Generously: The Healing Stories of Rachel Naomi Remen." On Being (July 29, 2010)

Russell, Bertrand. "Authority and the Individual, Pts. 1-6." The Reith Lectures (December 24, 1948 - January 30, 1949)

Sandberg, Anders. "Asking the Right Questions: Big Data and Civil Rights." Practical Ethics (August 16, 2012)

Sanford, Matthew. "The Body's Grace." On Being (May 3, 2012)

Schnapp, Jeffrey. "The Phenomenon of Crowds." Entitled Opinions (November 29, 2005)

"Science and the Search for Meaning: Five Questions, Part Five: Can Science be Sacred?" To the Best of Our Knowledge (08/28/11)

Sheehan, Thomas. "On the Historical Jesus." Entitled Opinions (January 31, 2006)

Sluga, Hans. "The Life and Work of Michel Foucault." Entitled Opinions (April 18, 2012)

Smith, Mark K. "Dialogue and conversation for learning, education and change." Informal Encyclopedia of Education (2001)

Sullivan, Kathleen. "On the U.S. Constitution." Entitled Opinions (May 2, 2006)

Sylvia, John. "All the Argument We Need." Pop Culture and Philosophy (June 10, 2009)

Yoshioka, Maximilian. "History or Humanity? On Lu Chuan's City of Life and Death A Nietzschean Perspective on Nanjing." Bright Lights Film Journal #76 (May 2012)

---. "Technocratic Totalitarianism: One-Dimensional Thought in Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville." Bright Lights Film Journal #78 (November 2012)

Zaroff, Larry. "Medicine and the Human Condition." Entitled Opinions (November 23, 2011)

Zizek, Slavoj. "Actual Politics." Theory & Event 14.4 (2011)

---. "First as Tragedy, Then as Farce." RSAnimate (July 28, 2010)

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