Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stop Loss (Kimberly Pierce: USA, 2008)

A film I hope comes to Lexington... you can tell people are already trying to discredit the film before they have seen it. For an example see the comments on the film's section on IMDB. A clue to a political attack on a film by someone that hasn't seen it is that they do not mention anything about the actual film and say something ridiculous like it is "one-sided." It is a fictional film..... I have criticized many films, but I would never say something as ridiculous as a film is "one-sided" :) Pierce's first film was the stunning and tragic Boys Don't Cry.

Watch the Trailer


Susannity said...

Movie looks good.
You know what I like about military movies that don't just show patriotism as joining up and going is that it broadens the defintion of patriotism. It also is so important to the people in uniform imho. I think if I was a soldier serving in Iraq who didn't think the US should be there or didn't want to serve more than one enlistment or whatever, I would like to know I was not alone.

Michael said...

I agree... have you seen Ground For Truth or Winter Soldier or Sir, No Sir (all documentaries from the voices of protesting soldiers)

Michael said...

Patriotism is a lot broader than some so-called conservatives (I say so-called because in Kentucky activist/environmental circles we know what a conservative is supposed to look like: Wendell Berry, even if the populace keeps electing the wacked ones) would like people to think.

Peace :)

Susannity said...

Ground Truth is in my Blockbuster queue. I hadn't heard of the other 2 and will add them now.