Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hassan Ghedi Santur: On Being A Muslim In The West, Part 1 and 2

Ideas (CBC: Canada)

On Being A Muslim In The West, Part 1

Amid continuing tension between Muslim and non-Muslim populations in many western countries, the question keeps coming back: Is Islam compatible with western values? Hassan Ghedi Santur asks if someone can embrace the secular, pluralist democratic values of the West and still be a "good" Muslim?

To Listen to the Episode

On Being A Muslim In The West, Part 2

It is said that there is a struggle for the soul of Islam; a jihad for the hearts and minds of the 1.6 billion people who profess Islam as their faith. Hassan Ghedi Santur explores the intersection between religion, spirituality, and politics in the lives of Muslims, particularly Muslim women. He presents the portrait of an activist, an academic and a writer who are in their own way, changing the face of Islam.

To Listen to the Episode

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