Sunday, October 28, 2007

John Cowper Powys: "Ecstasy of the Unbounded"

How magically sagacious is childhood in its power of arriving at boundless effects through insignificant means ... how often the whole course of one's subsequent history becomes an attempt to regain this sorcery. ... It is a criminal blunder of our maturer years that we so tamely, without frantic and habitual struggles to retain it, allow the ecstasy of the unbounded to slip out of our lives.

--John Cowper Powys. Autobiography. London: Pan Books, 1982: 1-2.


philip said...

just a quick note to let you know that i'm looking forward to reading more of your writing...i wound up on this page through an image search.

funny that...

Michael said...


I use images a lot and find a lot of sites that way...

Keep on fighting the good fight!

Thivai, radical educator