Friday, July 09, 2004

HIV, AIDs and the Bush Administration

Nation special report

When President Bush gave a speech on AIDS in Philadelphia on June 23, the
New York Times got all moist because he mentioned the word "condoms" once
in his speech: "Bush Backs Condom Use to Prevent Spread of AIDS" blared
the Times headline on the story, signed by David Sanger and Donald McNeil

But, as Doug Ireland points out in the Nation Online, if Sanger, McNeil,
and their editors knew anything about Administration AIDS policy they
might have mentioned the censorious new anti-condom guidelines issued on
June 16 by Bush's Centers for Disease Control, which reveal as a sham the
election-year rhetoric mouthed by Bush in Philadelphia.

The new CDC regulations are mandatory for any AIDS-fighting organization
that receives federal money for HIV prevention, and they finish the job of
gutting effective, disease-preventing safe-sex education that has been a
goal of the Bush Administration since it took office.

For more, read Ireland's exclusive report

And don't miss The Nation's collection of articles on HIV, AIDS and the
Bush Administration by Ireland, Katha Pollitt, Esther Kaplan, Naomi Klein,
Richard Kim and many others.

All at: HIV, AIDs and the Bush Administration

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