Monday, April 06, 2009

Counterspin: Ryan Chittum on Santelli's rant, Maria Elizabeth Grabe on network news bias

Ryan Chittum on Santelli's rant, Maria Elizabeth Grabe on network news bias
Counterspin (FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting)

The on-air rant by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli is making the media rounds, promoted by the network itself in good part. But did Santelli's outburst, about the Obama White House bailing out "losers" with its mortgage proposal make sense? We'll hear from Ryan Chittum, from Columbia Journalism Review's the Audit.

Also on the show this week: Despite mounting evidence against it, the myth of the liberal media just won't die. But scholars haven't stopped trying. A new study of nightly news coverage of U.S. elections by Indiana University scholars takes another whack at the myth using a novel approach. We'll speak with Maria Elizabeth Grabe, associate professor at Indiana University about Image Bite Politics: News and the Visual Framing of Elections—published in book form by Oxford University Press.

To Listen to the Episode

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