Is this politics?

Is this politics?
Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

Is this politics?

People say these ads and commentary are not political? Really? I wonder what they do consider political?
The only one that I didn't see as political but it could be because I couldn't read the text and was therefore unsure of the intent was the TV ones (under the pic of Edwards, HRC, & Obama). It looked like an ad for high def but I wasn't sure. If it was a high def ad, I don't think that is political or at least I don't see the politics in it.
politics make the world go round..
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