I posted Shadia Drury's negative review of the neo-conservative appropriation of Leo Strauss and then later associated him with Alan Watt's Trickster Guru figure... lo-and-behold it was linked at the Straussian site and Straussians started popping in at this site. So, I decided I would return the favor and visit them on their own turf at the Straussian News Blog to see if I could learn anything from them (hey learning from others, means everyone--right!)... and while I still disagree with the premises of Straussian thought (which I intend to learn more about) I must say that they are at least "thinking" and "discussing"... a little one-sided for my tastes, but then they probably think the same thing when they see my site. Anyways, I left some comments, seeking to disrupt the general monological tone of the site and I am very happy to say that the webmaster Jeff toook all in stride and we even got into a good discussion about the current need for literary super heros/heroines.
Here is the essay Jeff first pointed out: Superhero's Stories
and I in return included some of my favorite creators who I thought pushed the boundaries of two-dimensional fascist notion of super-herodom:
Alan Moore
From Hell
Neil Gaiman
Grant Morrison
Frank Miller interview
Anyways... I'm a firm believer that there must be dialogue between those with differing opinions and beliefs and experiences--thanks Jeff! Peace!