Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Culture War

(Courtesy of Wealth Bondage)

"It's usually easy to tell where a person stands in the culture wars, but whose side is someone on when his Christmas decor is a blood-spattered Santa Claus holding a severed head?"

Murderous Santa Display Draws Stares


War on "Happy Holidays"

How the ACLU Didn't Steal Christmas


Susannity said...

I guess I'm one of those who don't get it. I don't see the correlation between commercialization of Christmas to a knife-wielding mass-murdering Christmas. If I looked at that through my lens of reality, I would say it depicts how religion kills people all over the world daily.

Michael said...


I don't think most people get it... that is why I posted it because I found it mindblowingly (is that a word ;) absurd the connection that the person was trying to make with the display.

It amused me and sickened me at the same time...

I think Ricia sadi it best!