Sunday, April 11, 2004

Courtney Love: Punker than Punk?

A good analysis of the importance of Love's early CDs, including Live Through This one the 90s best.

Is there a celebrity more reviled than Courtney Love? In the decade since the suicide of her husband, Kurt Cobain, whose body was found in a garage apartment at his Seattle home on April 8, 1994, we have watched her swear, drug, punch, threaten, litigate, and generally terrorize her way to fame. The spectacle has been alternately riveting and repellent. Along the way, in spite of her bad behavior or because of it, Love has made some undeniably powerful music: raw, defiant, so full of anguish that listening to it is a physically demanding experience. Yet these days, when you hear her name, it's not the music you think of; it's her drug overdoses, her People vs. Larry Flynt-era makeover, her recent breast-baring for David Letterman. Courtney Love the professional celebrity has eclipsed Courtney Love the professional musician.

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