Thursday, May 13, 2004

"The Misunderestimated Man" by Jacob Weisberg

How sad the lessons being learned through the leadership of a man who cannot tolerate debate of the issues or dissent from the populace.

(courtesy of Abby Normal)

"The Misunderestimated Man: How Bush chose stupidity."
By Jacob Weisberg

"The president can't tolerate debate about issues. Offered an option, he makes up his mind quickly and never reconsiders. At an elementary school, a child once asked him whether it was hard to make decisions as president. "Most of the decisions come pretty easily for me, to be frank with you." By leaping to conclusions based on what he "believes," Bush avoids contemplating even the most obvious basic contradictions: between his policy of tax cuts and reducing the deficit; between his call for a humble foreign policy based on alliances and his unilateral assertion of American power; between his support for in-vitro fertilization (which destroys embryos) and his opposition to fetal stem-cell research (because it destroys embryos)."

Read Entire Essay

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