Thursday, October 07, 2004

Are You Ready for a Spontaneous Arising

When I first came across Michael H's site I read his bio and said, oh shit, a new age looney-tune (sorry Michael, I'm a native-Californian and they are as plentiful as the sand on the beaches, and you were writing a novel about the "the oracular art of Genital Divination™"--its sort of a gut reaction--by the way I would like a definition of OAGD?)... but because of Buyankasha's recommendation I revisited it a couple of times and damn I'm liking what I am seeing. The last four posts were about Ward Churchill on imperialism; Michigan militia attacks on Michael Moore's character; the strange similarity between Dubya and the protagonist of the movie Being There; and Oregon Microbrews (is there a better subject?)!

Spontaneous Arising

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