Monday, February 21, 2005

Lannan Readings & Conversations: Wendell Berry with Jack Shoemaker

Wendell Berry is a poet, essayist, and novelist, who has been called the "prophet of rural America." Mr. Berry, who pursues what he calls "an ethic and way of life based upon devotion to a place and devotion to a land," lives and works on his farm in Port Royal, Kentucky. He has published more than 30 books, including The Wheel, Sabbaths, and Openings (poetry); The Wild Birds, Watch with Me, and Remembering (fiction); and Another Turn of the Crank, What Are People For?, and The Unsettling of America (nonfiction). He received a Lannan Literary Award for Nonfiction in 1989.

Jack Shoemaker is the editor-in-chief of Counterpoint Press in Washington, D.C.

Wendell Berry Reading and Conversation with Jack Shoemaker

1 comment:

Michael said...

Oso, feeling out-of-it because I have no idea what would work in an iPod as I have never used one, the other day i saw a sidekick for the first time when some students popped them out in my class, very interesting devices... I always was a bit of a luddite... learning just enough to stay in the loop.

Speaking of luddites Berry vowed never to use a computer when writing, I wonder if he has stuck to that?

Did you check out the Luis Urrea post below? He's a fellow San Diegan!