Stranger with a Camera
Saturday, April 5, 2008 @ 1 p.m.
at the Berea Arts Council
"Stranger With A Camera is an exceptionally moving film about a people and place often misunderstood by the outside world." - 2000 Sundance Film Festival
In 1967 Canadian filmmaker Hugh O'Connor visited the mountains of Central Appalachia to document poverty. A local landlord, who resented the presence of filmmakers on his property, shot and killed O'Connor, in part because of his anger over the media images of Appalachia that had become icons in the nation's War on Poverty.
Filmmaker Elizabeth Barret, a native of Appalachia, uses O'Connor's death as a lens to explore the complex relationship between those who make films to promote social change and the people whose lives are represented in such media productions. Through first-person accounts of the killing and the perspective of three decades of reflection, Stranger With A Camera leads viewers on a quest for understanding - a quest that ultimately leads Barret to examine her own role as both a maker of media and a member of the Appalachian community she portrays.
Panel discussion with bell hooks, Janie Welker & Elizabeth Barret
“Seeing Women: the Imagination of Justice”
Writer bell hooks, UK Art Museum curator Janie Welker will join filmmaker Elizabeth Barret in discussion with the audience.
Sponsored by KY Women Photographers Network, The Berea Arts Council and writer bell hooks in conjunction with the “What Women See” exhibit, with support from the Kentucky Arts Council
Berea Arts Council, 116 Main Street, Berea, KY 40456
859-985-9317 www.bereaartscouncil.org
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