Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Non-Gardener's Guide to Turning Un(der)-used Space into a Productive Garden

Danny and I did a presentation at Bluegrass Community and Technical College today called: "The Non-Gardener's Guide to Turning Un(der)-used Space into a Productive Garden" in which we discussed our Guerrilla Gardening/Communal Dinners/Engaged Pedagogies projects. Unfortunately the room we were assigned did not have the expected computer technology and we were unable to show our pictures. So, over the next few days I will be posting them on this site. Feel free to comment--to share your own community activism/engaged pedagogy--and to network with us. Peace, Michael Benton.

Danny cultivating the first Guerrilla Garden "People's Garden: Mr. Cheeks." We call the gardens People's Gardens because no one owns them and we plant them in neglected/unused public spaces for everyone to take care of and to harvest.

This is the store lot that borders "People's Garden: Mr. Cheeks." The garden was named after a randomly open, private bar (now permanently closed) that caused much speculation amongst the guerrila gardeners.

General area of "People's Garden: Mr. Cheeks":


Anonymous said...

Hi there. This is great stuff. Always good to hear of other guerrilla gardeners. Feel free to spread the word of what you're doing and your blog within the Community forum of I've just created a section for Kentucky which is currently blank!

Michael said...

Thanks Richard--we will check it out.