By Gersh Kuntzman and Sabrina Jaszi
The Brooklyn Paper
The church’s Web site explained the reason for the rallies.
“Yo what’s up, God haters?” the protest announcement stated. “Why you teach ‘It’s OK to be gay?’ WBC will be on hand to teach the rebels of Brooklyn what good looks like, and you had better behave.”
A church spokeswoman, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said the rallies were not anti-Jewish or anti-gay.
“How about we call it an ‘Obey your God’ rally?” she said. “You Jews and gays have got to put away your false gods, your idols and your filthy way of life.”
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She added that “God hates the disobient.”
“We picked these weekends because these are the high holidays,” she said. “You Jews broke the covenant with God. The beast is going to bring the nations to march upon Jerusalem. Your houses will be destroyed and your women ravaged. It’s going to make the Holocaust, the Babylonian captivity and the destruction of the Temple look like a tea party.”
To Read the Rest of the Article

Update on the protest and images

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