Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some Questions on Opening Up Minds

-What prevents us from changing our opinions?

-Does debate truly encourage people to change their minds, or does it actually prevent the formation of new opinions?

-Can one look at the opinions of others accurately without looking closely at their own assumptions?

-What is the role of mainstream media in the formation of public opinion?

-Does it allow for people to change opinions or work against it?

-How important is the public/independent/alternative media for people to seek new ways of knowing the world?

-Is action necessary to prove an opinion has truly changed; is saying one has changed enough?

-Is violence an option in changing dangerous opinions?

-What effect does an absence of imagination have on the possibilities for agency?

-Does academia serve to foster or prevent the changing of minds?

-Does experience override education (or vice versa) in the formation of beliefs, values, and opinions? Or, is it a blending along the lines of nature/nuture? Is experience education and vice versa?

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