Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Evan Derkacz: The Sinclair Propaganda Machine

The Sinclair Propaganda Machine
Evan Derkacz

Owned by Bush-backers, an emboldened Sinclair Broadcasting is pushing forward with its right-wing agenda. It's time to push back.

The Sinclair Propaganda Machine

More on Sinclair and Propaganda:

Free Press Report: More on the Sinclair Backlash

Red Harvest on the Sinclair Group

Bill Moyers: The Media, Politics and Censorship

Thomas Frank: Architecture of a New Consensus

Sinclair Broadcasting: Connecting the Dots

Sinclair Stations Boycott Nightline Broadcast of the Names/Faces of US Soldiers Killed in Iraq


Anonymous said...

Evan Derkacz is at it again. He is now yelling that Rice "knew" about 9/11.
What a phoney. She and others were indeed breifed that "something" might happen. That the Jihadist were churning. Nobody knew just what or where.

F. Eugene Barber, author
Las Vegas

Michael said...

Regardless of what he does in the future, his critique of the Sinclair Propaganda Machine is dead on... I guess they are still nervous?

Thivai Abhor, Rabble Rouser
Lexington, KY